Computer and robotic senses. It makes sense.

Newcomming technologies

for efficiency

Production Automation​​

How to integrate the virtual and real world? Industry 4.0

Cognimetrica offers a full range of services – from design to implementation – related to replacing the work performed by human hands with the activities carried out by machines.

The obvious advantages of production automation are:

  • Reducing production costs
  • Improving the quality and precision of products
  • Improving depreciation and use of machinery

However, we primarily focus on more sophisticated activities related to the concept of Industry 4.0.

Industry 4.0 is the next generation of solutions in the field of Production Automation. It means a set of activities integrating the real (mechanical) world of robots with the virtual world of computer science, information techniques, cloud computing and artificial intelligence algorithms.

This approach opens up completely new possibilities related to the optimization of production lines in a real-time, further increase in production efficiency or a much greater range of production flexibility associated with changes in product parameters or the range in a very short time. […]

Robotic Senses

How do you make a robot see, hear and feel?

Nowadays it is not enough to deploy a robot that repeats the same identical steps to accomplish goals, i.e. move his arm in the same way or use his accessories with exactly the same force. Due to little differences in many production processes and their stages, shape, position, the structure of the material can vary and the robot must act accordingly. In order to do so, we need to provide several senses that will allow the robot to see or feel just like human beings do.


When an adaptive robot is working with the press that produces vinyl records, he needs to determine via special camera system if the particular vinyl record is stuck with the upper or bottom press arm – and then he needs to figure out the correct set of movements and force to take off the vinyl and transport it safely and effectively to the next location. […]

Computer Vision

How to understand what the senses register?

Computer Vision is, in fact, a short name for a complex process consisting of two key parts:

A few example fields of application are briefly described here. […]

Smart City & Smart Utilities

How to unlock the potential of public facilities?

Smart City needs Intelligent Public Facilities. It needs intelligent and safe places visited by residents. These can be bus stops, metro stations, advertising sheds or electric vehicle charging stations equipped with the latest technological solutions that extend the usability of such places with much needed and ergonomic functionality.

The distinguishing features of such places are:
  • Energy independence
  • Cloud communication and services
  • Security systems
  • Behaviour analysis
  • Monitoring and environmental protection
  • Information and music solutions
The pillars of the benefits of using Smart City & Smart Utilities are:
  • Security
  • Lower service costs
  • Ecology
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Beholder Platform

Is it possible to increase the fire safety of electric vehicles?

Electric vehicles are a sign of our times. However, current energy storage and delivery technologies that these vehicles are equipped with unfortunately pose potential fire hazards.

Such failures can be dangerous or at least costly, especially when the vehicles are stationary, switched off and parked close to each other. Such a situation occurs e.g. in the case of overnight stationing of a fleet of vehicles, e.g. city vehicles in a depot or hangar.

The answer to this type of threat is the Beholder Platform, and in particular the Beholder Pro field solution, i.e. a system for early detection, signaling and alarming about fire hazards of traction batteries in electric and hybrid vehicles.

Software for Business

Bloodstream of a modern company

Cloud systems mean comfort and security. We offer eCommerce class solutions and dedicated systems.

An example of the use of this type of technology is a document management system:

Unimedio is a document repository for enterprises.
It is a modern enterprise-class platform enabling convenient and secure access to company information and documents as well as related processes.